Ludum Dare 39

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I decided to take part in Ludum Dare 39. Ludum Dare is a worldwide event that takes place over the course of 48 (or 72) hours. The goal is to make a video game in that time.

I took part in the Compo, which is the stricter and shorter event. In 48 hours, you must make a game from scratch, with no help and no outside resources. Everything must be done yourself.

The theme was “Running out of Power”. I imagined a game where you kept power plants alive through increasing populations and, thus, increasing demand. What I got done was a rough-draft clicker with some music and sound effects.

Making a game, much less in 48 hours is really tough. I really admire those who are quite good at it. My game may not be terribly fun, but it’s a start, and it was fun to be involved. There is a “lose” condition, and you can restart after losing. It includes music and sound effects that I made myself, and the game allows you to mute that if it gets annoying. And hey, it works on mobile! Hooray.

I’d like to make the game actually fun if I work on it some more! 🙂

This is the final product I made during the time allotted!