Welcome to Neopets-linktimer 0.62 alpha.
New! Prettier!
Upcoming features:
- Plan for 0.7: Draggable UI (move lists/links around the page)
- Plan for 0.8: User login (no more cookies)
- Plan for 1.0 beta: Better design
- A modern browser with Javascript enabled
- Right-clicking or middle-clicking a link does not register it as clicked (use button then).
- Snowager timer is completely wrong and unpredictable.
- Others? Email me. (remove .spam.)
0.62 (January 10, 2012):
- Timers are more efficient (less lag for some people)
- Fixed bug where you could remove the title of a list and never get it back
- Fixed bug where a link deleted with time left would roll over to another link if created during the time left.
0.6 (January 4, 2012):
- Uses browser storage instead of cookies, so lists can be extremely large.
- Add your own lists and links.
- Rename lists.
- Edit the default list.
- Sort backwards and forwards.
0.52 (Oct 28 2011):
- Improved responsiveness and cleaned up code
- Sort by category & use cookies to remember your sort.